Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The SPANISH FILM ACADEMY pays tribute to the Basque director ANTXON ECEIZA

Today, Tuesday February 28th , the Film Academy of Spain pays a posthumous tribute to Antxon Eceiza, a Basque director who died last year, projecting his film "Days of smoke" at the Academy's film theater.

Antxon Eceiza was a historical figure of the Basque cinema,  directing films like "The Embodied Mind", "The secret intentions" or "Last meeting". The now projected "Days of smoke" was the first film shot in Basque language that would compete in an official section of an international film festival, in this case, the Festival of San Sebastian.

The screening will take place today at 20:00 under the heading "Antxon Eceiza in memoriam."

Before the screening of "Days of smoke" will also be projected the short film "Through St. Sebastian" which Eceiza co-directed with Elías Querejeta, with whom he founded a theater-forum in his home town, San Sebastian, and with whom he collaborated in several occasions.

"Days of smoke" features a cast led by the Mexican actor and producer Pedro Armendáriz Jr., who died a month after the death of Eceiza.

According to the director's own words about the film: "I am a young Basque filmmaker who is old of age. "Days of smoke" was a heroic decision in 1988, and even today it keeps being heroic for a Basque film director to make a film with a Basque theme, shot in the Basque Country and in Basque language. "

The cinematographic testament of Eceiza was the film "Congratulations Tovarich" starring Paco Rabal.

We hope many can attend this historical projection offered by the Spanish Academy.

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